Infant Loss
In (God's) hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. - Job 12:10
Saint Paulinus of Nola, Pray for us.
Infant loss: The death of a baby within the first year of life.
Neonatal period: Birth to 28 completed days of life.
Preterm Birth is one of the leading causes of infant loss.
(To read more on prevention of preterm birth see NaProTECHNOLOGY: https://naprotechnology.com/prevention.)
Other common causes include low birthweight, birth defects, pregnancy complications, injuries, and SIDS. Research is still attempting to find answers to the cause of SIDS.
Support groups and Catholic counseling/grief counseling with a trusted professional may be beneficial in assisting the grief journey.
Roman James Foundation (funeral expense aid for infant NICU loss)
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