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Caring for Baby's Remains/Burial

"Your dead shall live; their bodies shall rise. You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy! For your dew is a dew of light, and the earth will give birth to the dead." Isaiah 26:19

Why Burial?​


At Home

  • Have someone with you if possible.

  • If you could benefit from "in the moment" direction during this tragic moment please contact and we will attempt to get you connected to a person via phone/text messaging to support you and help you walk through this. You are not alone.

  • Purchase, obtain, or create a miscarriage kit to collect your child's remains when you deliver

  • Contact, Our Little Ones Ministry, or your local parish to see if kits are available to you.

  • Purchase, obtain, or create a burial container (some funeral homes provide at no cost)

  • Burial containers may be available with kits from Our Little Ones Ministry or through your local parish

  • Heaven’s Gain Ministries provides miscarriage kits, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester caskets, memorial items, etc for purchase


  • Trappist Caskets (No cost for infants/children’s caskets) |

  • Once you have collected the gestational sac and/or your baby's body store in saline in the refrigerator for up to a few days (to delay breakdown)

  • If longer storage time is needed store remains in the freezer (without using saline)

  • Someone will need to call cemeteries in order to find one willing to accept the remains. Some cemeteries will provide services free of cost; some require a plot purchase, etc. (Please see our Funeral Home and Cemeteries section.)

  • Contact or Our Little Ones Ministry for assistance


Hospital Visit Guidelines


​Before the Hospital

  • Ask your OB or call the hospital to inquire about your hospital's final disposition of fetal remains policy. This policy will inform you of how your baby's remains would be treated in the event you don't request them back for burial.

  • Some hospitals will not inform you of your option to request your baby's remains for burial.  This request usually has to be made BEFORE the procedure. 

  • Hospitals may not release the remains directly to you, the parent. They may require you to have a funeral home on stand by for release of the remains prior to the procedure. You may have to call around to find a funeral home willing to pick up and take care of your baby's remains. (Please see our Funeral Home and Cemeteries section.)

  • Potential support from a bereavement doula/baby loss advisor/comfort companion etc for hire or volunteer may be available. 

  • Support may be virtual or in-person. 


At the Hospital

  • How to work with your doctor and nurses at the hospital

  • Before the procedure, be vocal about asking for the remains back if you have to go to the hospital and don’t be afraid to talk to as many people as you need to in order for your request to be heard and fulfilled.

  • At the hospital you will most likely have to sign a release so they can entrust the remains to your chosen funeral home.

  • You may need to be firm and stand your ground. It is worth it. There are no do-overs. 


Bereavement Doulas/"Loss Doulas"

© 2023 Our Little Ones Ministry

Medical Disclaimer:
The information on this site is not a replacement for medical advice.  Please call your doctor, 911, or visit the Emergency Room if you are in a life-threatening situation.

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