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Who We Are

To begin, we would like to express our deepest condolences if you are going through the loss of a child or have lost a child/children in the past.  We are so sorry for your loss and want you to know we are here for you during this painful time.  The unfortunate reality is that many parents suffer miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss during their lifetime and have many questions during their journeys of grief.   


This ministry aims to uphold the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death and the dignity of the human body by offering resources and information that may assist you during this time of loss and later in honoring and remembering those who have died unborn, still, or shortly after birth.  Additionally, we want to help answer any questions you may have on what the Catholic Church teaches and what to do next.

Our mission is simple: To assist those suffering a loss by helping them along the path of healing and hope.  
It is truly an honor to walk with you along your journey.  To God be the Glory.


If you are currently experiencing a miscarriage and could benefit from "in the moment" direction during this tragic moment, please contact and we will attempt to get you connected to a person via phone call/text messaging to support you and help you walk through this. You are not alone.

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